California TB 603

When the push for new bedding flammability laws first began in late 1990’s, most people in the industry ignored the possibility. After all, the last bedding law was enacted in 1972 and commonly referred to the cigarette burn law. But, just like topsy, it grew as more suppliers seeing the profit potential in developing new fire retardant components change positions. In 2005 California enacted TB-603 requiring all mattresses manufactured in California to withstand open flame exposure without burning.

California Home Furnishing Bureau shifts from helper to traffic cop….

When the new law went into effect the Calif. Bureau of home furnishings shifted all their resources to policing California mattress manufacturers to make sure they were in compliance. In some cases they shut down factories for minor violations even though the companies were diligently attempting to comply. Hardly a friendly helping hand in making the transition to the new law.

Calif. replaces TB603 with fed. Standard

Californias Assembly and Senate have passed SB1849, a law that authorizes the Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation to enforce the new federal open-flame bed set standard ( 16 CFR Part 1633) as a California standard beginning July 1, 2007-the date the federal law takes effect.

The new law also makes clear that, as of the same date, California’s Technical Bulletin 603 is repealed. In making Part 1633 a California standard, the legislature made ono changes to the pass/fail criteria or other requirements set forth in the federal standard. Also of note is the fact that in replacing its own TB 603 with the federal part 1633, the existing TB 603 exemption for mattresses made for hotels, and motels with sprinklers will be eliminated as of July 1, 2007.

In a letter dated Sept.1, Brian Stiger, chief of the bureau, reminds mattress manufacturers and importers of the new federal requirements and highlights some of the differences between Part 1633 and TB 603. For a copy of this letter, check